As well as creating & developing screen content, we also delivered custom gameplay hardware for Tests taking place in the Dorm. We developed several wireless control units for a keypad and a voting podium, working with the art department to fit them discreetly, and with lighting to send MIDI triggers each time a button was pressed.
Wireless systems allowed the podiums to be portable & also involved minimal set-up in the Dormitory which was fundamental to maintaining the integrity of the show & no external contact with contestants. This system meant the gallery could easily & confidently monitor votes during each Test without worrying whether they had caught the right shot on camera as the data fed directly into the graphics system.

Custom Hardware Solutions
When Studio Lambert approached Potion Pictures to be part of the biggest reality TV show to date, we were thrilled by the opportunity. The production team were keen to push the boundaries of what could be achieved in a reality show, not just in terms of the scale but the complexity, and this also extended to the screen graphics.
We were briefed to create a dynamic graphics system that could react to the fast-paced show so that we gave the contestants the feeling of true immersion in the game. Two large screens in the Dorm & Briefing Room were key means of communication with the contestants and would be featured extensively throughout filming, as well as smaller screens used for timers throughout the games.
Using Unreal Engine 5, we developed a customisable motion graphics system, capable of displaying multiple graphics, across multiple screens, across multiple sets, simultaneously. The system had to be flexible, allowing custom messages and sudden changes to gameplay to be displayed quickly, with a visual style aligned as closely as possible with the drama. Each graphic and screen was adjustable and controllable via a custom operator UI which our team of operators manned every day & night for 2 and a half weeks.
Netflix’s most successful drama becomes the biggest reality show to date